This lead generation glossary shares an extensive collection of industry terms, equipping sales, marketing, and lead generation teams with essential vocabulary to better understand and execute their lead generation strategies.
A/B Testing
A method of comparing two versions of a lead capture form, ad creative, landing page, or other unique variable to determine which performs better in generating quality leads.
Accepted Lead
A lead that meets the criteria set by the client and is posted successfully.
Activity Log
In Opta, the activity log shows a record of actions and events taken in the platform.
Admin CPL
In Opta, admin CPL is the price you’re paid for generating an accepted lead.
In Opta, an advertiser is linked to a campaign and is the company purchasing the accepted leads
A partner who promotes products or services in exchange for a commission.
Application Programming Interface (API)
A set of protocols for building and integrating application software.
The process of verifying the identity and authorization of your platform when it attempts to send lead data to another system, typically using API keys or OAuth.
Automatic Telephone Dialing System
A technology that automates the process of dialing phone numbers from a database or list, typically used in call centers or marketing campaigns to efficiently contact leads or customers without manual dialing.
Autoresponder Email
An automated email sent in response to a specific trigger or action.
Billing Report
In Opta, a report showing amounts owed or paid.
In Opta, the allocated funds for a marketing campaign or lead generation effort.
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
California law enhancing privacy rights for consumers.
Call Center
A centralized office used for receiving or transmitting a large volume of requests by telephone.
Call Center Lead
A lead generated through a call center interaction.
A prompt encouraging an immediate response or action from the audience.
In Opta, an advertisement meant to generate leads through paid media and integrated partners.
Campaign By Day
In Opta, the daily breakdown of campaign performance.
Campaign By Hour
In Opta, the hourly breakdown of campaign performance.
Campaign Insights
In Opta, the detailed analysis of campaign performance including month-to-month comparisons, demographic & geographic details, and more.
Campaign Owner
In Opta, the person or team responsible for managing a marketing campaign.
Campaign Statistics
In Opta, the metrics and data related to a marketing campaign’s performance.
Canada Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)
Canadian law regulating commercial electronic messages.
Capping Report
In Opta, a report showing how campaigns are performing relative to their daily, monthly, and maximum caps.
Certified Lead
A lead that has been verified and meets specific quality standards.
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
U.S. law protecting children’s online privacy.
Client Reject
In Opta, a lead rejected by the client for not meeting their criteria.
Client Reject Rate
In Opta, the percentage of leads rejected by the client.
Co-reg Path
The series of ad placements that occur after a user registers on a website.
The process of presenting advertisements to a user after an initial registration without making them re-enter the details from the original sign-up process.
Conversion Rate
The percentage of visitors who take a desired action.
Conversion Report
In Opta, a report that shows the number of conversions by traffic source, geography, time of day, and more.
Cost Per Thousand (CPM)
The cost of reaching 1,000 viewers or impressions.
Cost-Per-Action (CPA)
The cost incurred when a specific action is taken by a user.
Cost-Per-Click (CPC)
The cost incurred each time a user clicks on an advertisement.
Cost-Per-Lead (CPL)
The cost associated with acquiring a single lead.
Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)
Software for managing customer interactions and data.
Data Validation Services
Services that verify the accuracy and quality of data.
Day Cap
In Opta, the maximum number of leads allowed per day.
Direct Post
Sending lead data directly to a client’s system in real-time, which is then considered billable or not based on the real-time posting response.
Disposition Report
A report detailing the outcomes of leads used for optimization.
Double Opt-in
A process requiring users to confirm their subscription twice.
In Opta, the revenue generated from posting accepted leads to a campaign.
Effective Cost-Per-Lead (eCPL)
The actual cost of acquiring a qualified lead after considering scrub rate and returns.
Effective Cost-Per-Thousand (eCPM)
The actual cost per thousand impressions, considering all variables.
Effective CPL (ECPL)
Same as eCPL, the true cost of acquiring a qualified lead.
Email Service Provider (ESP)
A company that provides email marketing services, allowing users to send emails to subscribers.
A point of entry in a communication channel when two systems are interacting.
Exclusive Lead
A lead sold to only one buyer.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
EU law on data protection and privacy.
Host & Post
A method where leads are collected on one site and sent to another.
An HTTP method used to request data from a specified resource.
An HTTP method used to submit data to be processed to a specified resource.
Internal Reject
In Opta, a lead rejected internally before attempting a post to a client.
Internal Reject Rate
In Opta, the percentage of leads rejected internally.
Internet Lead
A lead generated through online channels.
IP Address
A unique address identifying a device on the internet or local network.
JavaScript Object Notation, a lightweight data interchange format often used for sending lead data to a buyer’s endpoint.
Landing Page
A web page designed to convert visitors into leads.
A potential customer who has shown interest in a product or service.
Lead Acquisition
The process of obtaining new leads.
Lead Aggregator
A company that collects leads from multiple sources.
Lead Brokering
The practice of buying leads from external sources on behalf of an end client.
Lead Capture Form
A form used to collect information from potential leads.
Lead Distribution
The process of allocating leads to appropriate endpoints such as specific sales agents, dialers, CRMs, email platforms, or other endpoints.
Lead Enrichment
Adding additional data to a lead’s profile.
Lead Lookup
In Opta, the process of searching for specific leads or viewing all lead posts to a campaign.
Lead Nurturing
The process of developing relationships with buyers at every stage of the sales funnel.
Lead Routing
The same as lead distribution – the process of allocating leads to appropriate endpoints such as specific sales agents, dialers, CRMs, email platforms, or other endpoints.
Lead Scoring
Assigning values to leads based on their likelihood to convert.
Plural of lead, referring to multiple potential customers.
In Opta, the image associated with a campaign.
Marketing Leads
Potential customers generated through marketing efforts.
Max Cap
In Opta, the maximum number of leads or actions allowed for a campaign.
Month Cap
In Opta, the maximum number of leads or actions allowed per month.
Generally interchangeable with campaign. An offer is made to potential customers and those who opt-in are considered leads.
When a user agrees to receive communications from a company.
When a user chooses to stop receiving communications from a company.
A special kind of variable used to pass information between functions.
In Opta, partners are your advertisers and publishers (those you’re buying and selling leads from and to).
A query sent to verify the availability or status of a lead.
Ping Tree
A system that routes leads to buyers based on specific criteria.
A two-step process of verifying lead quality before purchasing.
The position or location of an advertisement.
Sending lead data to a client or system.
Posting Instructions
Guidelines for submitting leads or data to a specific campaign.
Posting Method
The technique used to send data to a server.
A preliminary check for a user’s existence before displaying a campaign.
Pricing: CPC (Cost-Per-Click)
Charging based on the number of clicks received.
Pricing: CPL (Cost-Per-Lead)
Charging based on the number of leads generated.
Pricing: CPM (Cost-Per-Thousand)
Charging based on the number of impressions.
Profit & Loss
In Opta, a report detailing your profit margin for a given period.
Profit Margin
In Opta, the margin between your payments to publishers and your earnings from accepted leads.
In Opta, price to publisher. This is the price you pay a publisher for sending you an accepted lead.
In Opta, a partners that generates leads for a campaign.
Publisher By Day
In Opta, a daily breakdown of a publisher’s performance.
Publisher Statistics
In Opta, metrics related to a publisher’s performance.
Rejected Lead
In Opta, a lead that does not meet the required criteria and is either rejected internally or by the client.
Reject Report
In Opta, a report detailing leads that were rejected and why.
Returned Lead
A lead sent back by the client due to quality issues.
Revenue Report
In Opta, a report detailing income generated from specific leads or traffic sources.
Scheduled Tasks
In Opta, scheduled changes to campaign settings.
Scrub Rate
The percentage of leads removed due to quality issues.
Shared Lead
A lead sold to multiple buyers.
In Opta, the sum of money owed to publishers for accepted leads.
Suppression List
A list of contacts to be excluded from marketing communications.
Take Rate
The percentage of leads accepted by a buyer.
Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)
U.S. law regulating telemarketing practices.
A piece of data used to represent authorized access to certain resources.
Traffic Analysis
In Opta, an examination of campaign traffic patterns.
User Agent
Unique software acting on behalf of a user, typically a web browser.
In Opta, a specific industry or market segment.
Automated messages sent from apps when something happens.
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